On Busuu, you can study and make progress in your course for free. But if you want to take your learning to the next level, our Premium subscription offers additional features to enhance your learning experience.
All of our Premium plans include:
No ads: Enjoy a completely ad-free experience as you navigate through your courses.
All lessons unlocked: Skip lessons and move through the course in the order you choose.
Smart Review: Practise words and grammar topics as you continue learning – we'll suggest what to revise at the right moment so you don't have to worry about tracking it!
Priority feedback: Get faster feedback from our Community.
Premium-only lessons: Access even more courses for travel, pronunciation, and more.
Busuu certificates: Prove your skills with level completion Certificates.
See more details on our Premium plans and pricing here. Please note that pricing may vary depending on the platform used, active offers, and your local currency.
Note: Some features like Smart Review and Busuu Certificates are available in selected courses for selected levels. If you need more information, we are here to help!
Reach out to our Customer Satisfaction team at team@busuu.com or fill out the contact form here.