If you've got a voucher or discount code, here's how to use it.
Vouchers are codes (usually 10-11 digits) that give you Premium free of charge for a certain period. You can redeem them on both our website and the Busuu Android app.
From our website:
- Log in and click on your Profile icon at the top of the screen.
- Click on '
Redeem a voucher'.
- Enter your voucher code to upgrade to Premium.
You can also visit the 'Redeem a voucher' page here.
From the Android app:
- Tap on the Me tab.
- Tap the Settings button on the top right.
- Scroll down to 'Redeem a voucher' and click on it.
- Enter your voucher code to activate Premium.
Discounts are codes that offer a year of Premium at a reduced price. Please note, these can only be redeemed on our website via the Discount page here. If you received a discount code via email, we’ll apply it automatically when you use the link provided in the email. Discounts may vary across different platforms.
Please remember, unless stated otherwise at checkout, discounts apply only to the first year and not to automatic renewals or additional payment cycles.
If you're having trouble with a voucher or discount code, don't hesitate to contact us.
Reach out to our Customer Satisfaction team at team@busuu.com or fill out the contact form here.