Under Review , you'll find a dedicated space for your Vocabulary. This includes all words and handy phrases you've encountered throughout your course.
Remember, the content in your Vocabulary Review varies with each language you're studying. And while this section contains both words and phrases, we refer to them collectively as ‘words’.
Each word is assigned a strength level – Weak , Medium , or Strong – based on the difficulty of the word and how well you've mastered it. Use Vocabulary Review to boost the strength of your words.
Here's a fun fact: memories fade over time, and vocabulary is no exception. That's why we use an AI-powered algorithm, inspired by the Ebbinghaus Spaced Repetition Model of Learning, to predict which words you'll need to practise over time. This algorithm gradually downgrades their strength to help you know what to revise.
See how to add words to your Vocabulary here, and save or remove words here.
Want to know more about Smart Review? Check out our articles on reviewing your Vocabulary words and focusing on specific words.