To register an account, click here or visit our website ( and click ‘Learn for free’. You can also sign up straight from the Busuu app. Download it from the Play Store or App Store to get going.
When creating your account, pick the language you want to learn (don't worry, you can change this at any time) and pop in your details. Then, you're all set for your language-learning adventure!
You can create an account using your email, phone number, or even your Google, Facebook or Apple ID account. Just remember, your account will be linked to the data you used while registering. So make sure to keep these details safe as you'll need them to access your account. You can always add more details via your Settings if needed.
Just a few pointers:
- Each email can only be linked to one account and vice versa. But, you can always add a phone number to an account linked to an email and the other way around for an alternative access option.
- If you've opted for 'Hide My Email' for Apple ID accounts or hidden the email via Facebook, your account will be linked to a randomised email address. You can find this email address on your Profile if you ever need it.